Privacy Policy

The privacy policy that any website is following to treat the customers’ information is as important as the service itself and even goes beyond it. And because we are conscious of this challenge, we follow great procedures to care for your privacy. To state, all information you may disclose on our website is in complete safety and it’s under our accountability. In some cases we may release few information, but only what’s necessary to improve our services. Only when you move to another third part website, taking in consideration websites that have a link on our site or with which we deal, you could probably comply to different policies, and you have to take this in consideration. And if you want our suggest, do not disclose your information to any site prior to inquiring. And as far as we are concerned, if you want more details about our policy, don’t waste time and contact us.

For the goal of improving our services and pleasing our clientele, we set cookies to follow your path on our website. If you do not want cookies to be put on your browser, you still have the possibility to erase them. Yet when removed, some services of our website may not work.

By using site (, it means that you agree to what contained in this privacy policy. We keep the right to change this privacy policy at any time we like, yet when we decide to do so you are going certainly be notified on time.